

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Never say no and be ready to roll up your sleeves when needed.

What is the most important thing you’ve learnt in your career?
Always think outside the box, value relationships, be respectful and maintain your integrity.

What is the one change you think is critical for the industry?
Harmonisation across standards to enable interoperability and maximum customer reach. A good example is IP standardisation, empowering the consumer to view content via any device and any delivery mechanism (terrestrial, satellite, cable, or IP) and enabling a seamless, simple, and consistent user experience.

What makes this industry special?
End user customer experience sits at the heart of this industry. Every business, whether B2B or B2C, is collaborating and contributing to drive interoperability and maximum customer reach. New developments and enhancements in audio-video, web standards and telecommunications make this industry so vibrant and versatile, and we, at the DTG, get the opportunity to work across the whole piece, from content production through distribution and on to the consumption side. With advancements in the AI and IoT, entertainment is constantly reaching new levels, and standards are continuously upgrading to provide immersive experiences for the viewer.

What key skills do you think are needed for your role?
An analytical mindset and technical knowledge, team management and strategic thinking, to see the bigger picture, combined with attention to detail, are essential for my role. I wear different hats at different times, whether it is higher level decision-making and industry liaison, or hands-on product and technical service development.

What is your desert island luxury item?
An intelligent, solar-powered massage chair!

What kept you sane during lockdown?
On a professional front, great teamwork kept me focused, connected and committed. Personally, the support from my family has been incredible. Evening walks, cooking time with family and online parties helped to destress.

What do you do to unwind?
To unwind, I clean, indulge my all-time favourite pastime – shopping, or read entertainment news.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about my work and perfection. I love this industry and am living my childhood dream to work in computer science. My software development background enables me to dive deep in technical challenges when required. My passion for perfection and quality helps me to do my work efficiently and effectively.

What is your all-time favourite film or tv show?
“The Big Bang Theory” – I can watch any episode of any season anytime. Sheldon and Penny are my favourite characters. The show is amazing and it has everything – it’s about friendship, trust, love, joy, fun and a passion for your work.

About Ranjeet

As Associate Director of Products and Services at the DTG, Ranjeet manages the infrastructure and technical integrity of development and testing operations, ensuring delivery to specification, deadline, and budget. She has worked on the launch of three major UK platforms – Freesat, Freeview HD and Freeview Play including management of the at800 logo conformance regime to support the roll-out of 4G (LTE) services in the UK.

She ensures that the Test Centre maintains its ISO 17025 accreditation, delivering a conformance regime for TV platforms, supports manufacturers in demonstrating that conformance, and oversees all development and testing activities. She has introduced a number of new products and testing services, including training programs for the UK TV industry and the most recent addition, the DTG DVB-I Test Suite.

Follow Ranjeet on LinkedIn here


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18 Mar 2022
