
Tell us a little bit about Ateme
Ateme enables content providers and service providers to captivate their audiences with a superior quality of experience, so they can boost viewership engagement, acquire new viewers, and and unleash new monetization potential.

What’s the most exciting project coming up for Ateme?
Sustainable innovation in streaming!

What are you most excited for at the DTG Summit 2022?
That it will be in person – it’s so exciting to meet people again face-to-face! And especially when we get to discuss such interesting topics as how to use IP to make video delivery more efficient and sustainable, while also improving the quality of experience. With new developments such as Open Caching and 5G networks with Multi-access Edge Computing, there are many exciting possibilities.

What does Television Beyond Imagination look like for Ateme?
Hyper-personalized! We joked on April Fool’s day about having partnered with a mood-sensor technology provider so that content suppliers could deliver exactly the content their subscribers want to watch at any given time, according to their mood. While that’s an exaggeration, we do believe it that new technologies such as 5G make it possible to adjust the content they offer based on where people are (at home or commuting), the time of day (morning or lunch break or evening), their preferences (sports or news), and the type of entertainment they ask for (augmented reality or just a show).

What is the biggest issue you think we can address together through cross-industry collaboration?
Sustainability. That is where we need to play our part in making the world a better place, by sharing best practices and defining benchmarks and KPIs that we all agree on. That’s why we became founder members of Greening of Streaming (

Tell us something people might not know about Ateme.
First, we are not only about compression; we are a provider of end-to-end solutions for video delivery across all platforms (which means we also provide solutions for OTT packaging, Cloud DVR and CDN). When you combine this solution scope with the fact that we develop everything in-house (hence we control the full software stack), you can imagine the level of innovation in terms of quality of experience, sustainability, etc. that we will deliver.

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7 Apr 2022
