
“There is much to be welcomed in Up Next – The Government’s vision for the broadcasting sector. The commitment to enabling our broadcasters to thrive is great news for audiences. It is also critical in driving new economic growth in the media, and media-technology sectors.

“However, we must go further and think deeply about both the potential, and our limitations as architects of television’s future. The DTG believes that Government, Ofcom and Industry must continue to have an eye to the world beyond internet delivered/streamed video.

“Together we must use this unique opportunity to shape television for the 2030s and create the pathway beyond our current collective imagination.

“Any such plan must harness the best of British thinkers and data science. It must ensure ease of access for all – access to services, access to content and access to the best quality viewer experience possible – consistently.

“It will be defined by great personalisation and addressability, and predicated on the all-important need to secure a level of trust, reliability, resilience, and low-latency live streaming that matches the broadcast experience of today.

“And crucially, it must create real solutions to perpetual user annoyances such as complex set-up, sign-on and difficult content navigation – designing out issues created by fragmentation, and converging on a common aim, the best possible user experience.

“To deliver this, the DTG is working with industry on “A Pathway to the Future of UK Television” in a global context. A game-changer for the viewer and industry, and fundamental to delivering Up Next.

We look forward to supporting our industry members and Ofcom in the implementation of the Government’s vision. And in doing so, sustaining Britain’s soft powers in media and technology on the world stage.”

The publication of the Media White Paper underlines very clearly how much, and how fast, the television landscape is changing. But what do those changes mean for the key players in the game? And what will the television landscape look like in 10 or even five years’ time?

  • What will a new remit for Public Service Broadcasters and the proposed sale of Channel 4 mean for the sector?
  • How will mandated PSB on-demand prominence change the user experience?
  • How will direct regulation affect the UK streaming ecosystem… and will Ofcom’s powers extend to consumer electronics devices?
  • And how exactly do we define ‘Britishness’ when it comes to content across the whole piece?

With representatives from Ofcom, the PSBs, streamers, manufacturers and more, we’ll be considering these key questions for the future of television at the DTG Summit next Thursday May 5th – and taking the next step to go ‘Beyond Imagination’.

Tickets are now limited so register for your place in the room now.


29 Apr 2022
