
Tell us briefly, what does Free TV Australia do?

Free TV is the peak body for free-to-air commercial TV in Australia.

What is your mission as a company?

We are dedicated to supporting and advancing the important contribution commercial free-to-air television makes to Australia’s culture and economy.

Our members create jobs, provide trusted local news, tell Australian stories, give Australians a voice and nurture Australian talent. Our members are the backbone of the local television production industry, spending more than AUD$1.6 billion every year on local content.

What sets you apart from the competition?

Competition between Australia’s commercial TV networks is fierce. Free TV fosters collaboration on the issues we need to solve in common and gives our industry a single voice when one is needed.

What is the most exciting thing coming up for Free TV?

Free TV has its hands full working with a relatively new government in Canberra on a range of pressing regulatory issues, including the globally-relevant question of how local TV can retain ‘prominence’ in a world of connected devices. But for my team, hopefully, its joining DTG! We are keen to tap into global expertise and insights as we follow the technical debates re-shaping our industry from our location in the Asia-Pacific region.

What is the biggest issue you think we can address together through cross-industry collaboration?

Australia’s TV industry could use an agreed, long-term ‘road-map’ for its future technical evolution, with our viewers accessing TV in new ways and telecommunications companies already eyeing our spectrum. A look around the world suggests we aren’t Robinson Crusoe in this respect.

What might people not know about your company?

Free TV isn’t ‘just’ a lobbying organisation or even ‘just’ a site for technology collaboration between competitors. We also sell a range of services to advertisers, with our ‘Clear-ads’ team providing trusted review and classification services to ensure TV ads comply with advertising codes and rules.

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14 Mar 2023
