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4th November 2024, London


SafeShark is delighted to have been selected for the DSIT-funded Cyber Runway scheme as part of the ‘Scale’ cohort of innovative cyber companies for 2024/25.

The largest cyber accelerator in the UK, Cyber Runway is part of the government’s £2.6bn National Cyber Strategy to protect and promote the UK online. The scheme is designed to address the biggest challenges facing cyber security by supporting the most promising innovators at various stages of growth. This includes an objective to strengthen the UK cyber security ecosystem and ensure we have a sustainable, innovative, and internationally competitive cyber and information security sector.

Having been selected as one of the ‘Grow’ cohort last year, it is a mark of SafeShark’s genuine innovation and standing in the market that it has again been selected as one of the most innovative SME’s operating in cyber security today – this year as part of the ‘Scale’ group.

SafeShark Director Alex Buchan said: “To have been selected for this fantastic scheme for a second time really is a badge of honour for SafeShark. It comes at a crucial time for us and for industry as the April 2024 compliance deadline races towards all manufacturers of connected devices.

“Being part of this scheme with other innovators in the cyber space ensures we are in the very best company with access to premium support, which in turn helps us support our customers. And it is a clear endorsement of SafeShark’s innovation, cyber credentials and credibility.”

Saj Huq, CCO and Head of Innovation at Plexal, commented: “We’re excited to welcome two cohorts to Cyber Runway’s Grow and Scale streams, helping some of the UK’s most promising young companies to develop their technologies, and in turn strengthen the UK’s digital economy and drive greater cyber resilience.”

In the UK the Product Security and Telecoms Infrastructure (PSTI) Bill is now law. All manufacturers of connected devices are legally obliged to comply with the new legislation by April 29th 2024.

SafeShark is the only PSTI and RED compliance specialist in the market. A joint venture between DTG Testing and Connect Devices and backed by BSI, we deliver UK and EU market access to consumer electronic devices through independent PSTI and RED compliance testing.

Our mission is clear: to grant swift and hassle-free access to UK and EU markets through our simple, trusted and continuous compliance testing.  Download our guide to compliance for connected device manufacturers here.

Will Parsons

28 Sep 2023
