A vital worldwide product certification scheme for the innovative new DAB+ Automatic Safety Alerts (ASA) system has launched, with WorldDAB appointing DTG Testing as the authorised global partner to provide testing and certification.
The new scheme ensures that products with the ASA logo have passed the certification process, comply with minimum requirements according to ETSI TS 104 090, and are recognised as an ASA-compliant product. DTG Testing will issue the ASA Certification Mark Approved Product Licence.
The DAB+ ASA logo on certified device packaging builds trust in the technology. Once the certification process has been completed, WorldDAB offers a logo and style guide for free, as part of a new marketing toolbox. The ASA brand logo is a registered trademark with the EUIPO for the EU, UK, and Switzerland.
DTG Testing is the only independent, UKAS-accredited test lab for Digital TV and Radio in the UK. Its world- class lab facilities already provide DAB Tick Mark testing, a UK certification to provide consumers with confidence that the radio they buy is future ready. DTG Testing will offer a range of ASA testing options to manufacturers for both products and core technology applicable to the product category — domestic or in- vehicle — including testing against ETSI TS 104 090 v1.1.2.
The technical standards for the new ASA feature were published by ETSI in September 2024, with the first consumer receivers incorporating ASA available to consumers later this year. Three key features make the DAB+ ASA system different from every other emergency warning system available:
- location targeting – only people in affected areas are notified
- signalling between ensembles – receivers analyse references to warning announcements on other radio stations, increasing the flexibility and reach of the warnings
- wake up modality – receivers can be woken up by DAB+, especially important for alarm clock radios
To apply for ASA certification, visit the DTG Testing website here.
Details of the new DAB+ ASA standard
The new specification for ASA “Automatic Safety Alert” via DAB+ has been standardised globally by ETSI. ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, develops international standards for telecommunications and digital technologies, ensuring global compatibility and safety of devices and systems.
- ASA is standardised as ETSI TS 104 089 “Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Emergency Warning System (EWS); Definition and rules of behaviour.”
- The corresponding receiver specification is ETSI TS 104 090 “Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Emergency Warning System (EWS); Minimum requirements and test specifications for receivers.”
ASA feature overview
- Basis: Spoken announcement (“Alert”) with all information on the warning situation: what, when, where; recommendations for action
- Geofencing: A warning area is transmitted in the data The receiver analyses this on a mandatory basis
- Wake-up function: Receivers support “active stand-by” and can play back warning messages at any Radios are woken up by the data stream
- Synchronisation: Wake-up cycles are synchronised to the radio signal (ensemble), all receivers wake up every minute at second “0”
- Switching function: receivers evaluate references to warning announcements in other ensembles
- Dismiss: Possibility of manual suppression of the announcement by the listener once it has been heard. Broadcasters also have the option of broadcasting an updated warning message (update)