  • Report
  • 4 June 2024

At this year’s DTG Summit – TV: The Bigger Picture – we brought together more than 30 experts and 400 delegates to cut through the complexity of today’s digital television ecosystem. Throughout the day we dissected pressing industry challenges, delving into topics such as adapting to shifting viewer behaviours, forecasting the future of distribution in the UK, enhancing content discovery amidst a sea of options, and exploring innovations in immersive, personalised viewing experiences. Central to our discussions was a commitment to keeping the viewer at the forefront of decision-making.

In this report, we distil the insights gleaned from our discussions, encapsulating the essence of our collective vision for the future of television. We delve into key questions surrounding inclusivity, viewer empowerment, and the invaluable lessons history teaches us as we navigate the ever-evolving digital entertainment landscape. Get the Bigger Picture below.
